Author Archives: Hennie de Klerk

Hormones in Drinking Water

Terminology  What is the endocrine system? The endocrine system is also referred to as the hormone system.  Hormones in humans and animals have an important job.  They regulate the body’s various processes, such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction.  An example of a hormone is insulin, excreted by the pancreas and breaks down sugar.  Another is […]

Why should people drink purified water?

(Compiled by Eugene Bezuidenhout) What do people drink? Water is the universal solvent. It is involved in every function in the body. Many people don’t drink water because they were never taught how important it is. Adults often suffer from headaches, fatigue, dizziness, weakness, limited concentration capabilities, wrinkled skin, constipation, gout and kidney stones, caused […]

Reverse osmosis and green living

(Compiled by Eugene Bezuidenhout) What is Reverse Osmosis? Reverse osmosis (RO) is a separation process which employs pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane (a membrane which will only allow water to pass) that retains the salts on one side and allows the pure water to pass to the other side. The water with […]